Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Knitting Round 2.1...

So, I've made some progress, and some mistakes, but it's a beginner scarf, so no big deal. And if I don't like it when I finish, I can give it to...?

Anyway, I do a little every day and am happy about it. I am only using the knit stitch, as a friend said that would be best. And I feel that's a good thing; get me used to how to do one thing before I jump to the next.

I tend to look at my progress on the needle as I come to the end of a row. I realize that it looks a little funny, like something's not right. I have found a mistake, and I'm not sure what I did, but I don't want to go on. Also, I don't know how to go backwards, to un-knit a row of stitches. And there are no un-knitting videos out on the internet--major failure in my view. It was Sunday evening early, and I'd planned on making some real progress. Now what?

It was also snowing, a late season snow storm in our area, so I wasn't sure if the knit shop would be open Monday. Or if I could get there at all. But get there I did, the snow melted pretty easily, and the road wasn't treacherous. And it turns out that knit shop is closed on Mondays, so now I know. I drove back on Tuesday, and waited a bit, and got some help. Also I bought some new bamboo needles, and another yarn thinking that if I ran into another problem, I could switch projects if needed. If only I had that two days previous, I'd have been much happier.

So, I learned how to un-knit, though I'm not very good at it yet, and got through knitting several rows, with it all looking nice. Then several rows after that point, when I was thinking I was in the clear, I looked back and saw a hole--one big enough to put my finger through. Not a good thing. I was too far past it to consider un-knitting rows at this point. I just decided to leave it in, after all it's my first project and doesn't HAVE to be perfect. I kept on knitting, and noticed all of a sudden I had 21 stitches on my needle instead of 20. So I looped two together in one and again, kept on knitting. I don't mind a bit, that it sort of goes to the side a bit right there. :)

The bad news is...that now that it's big enough to try on around my neck; I'm thinking it's far too scratchy feeling to actually wear. :(

Anyway, here I am, making progress...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Knitting, Round 2...

Well, I began knitting two weeks ago. (Really I began about 18 months ago, with the sock project; more on that later.) When enough time passed so that I forgot the sock incident, I decided to try again. I figured that if I used bigger needles and thicker yarn, and started with a beginner project like a scarf, then I might have a better chance at succeeding. Also, I had started following some yarn spinners, hi SimplyTwisted! on, and one night bought some nice nice interesting yarn. I thought of this yarn as a goal, and started knitting a scarf with the cheap yarn I bought at Michael's.

I've had some really great support, mostly from people on the Internet; a couple of friends and there are some amazing how-to-knit videos. I am still looking for a local shop or group that I fit into though. I've made a few mistakes with this first green scarf-one night I noticed that my stitches didn't look quite right, and so waited till I
could get some help-but I'm not letting that stop me.

Anyway, here I am at the beginning...

D :)